Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Walking Dead - Comic Book Series

The Walking Dead is a black and white comic book series created by Robert Kirkman The series is centered on the character Rick Grimes who wakes up in the hospital (28 Days anyone?) and finds out that no one is around, and quickly discovers that the hospital staffs and patients are zombies.

Though this book does contain a lot of zombies and zombies being killed, and zombies eating humans, it is NOT a zombie book.

The series stand out not only because of the artwork but also because of the character developments. The series introduce a lot of characters into the story, and a lot of the characters do get killed, from the zombies or from other humans. It's the journey of the characters and how they deal with the situations they are in, what they are willing to do to survive, and dealing with consequences.

This is definitly worth checking out, espicially if you are into zombies (you're here right?) and comic books that have a more serious tone.


More on "The Walking Dead" :